About Me

Olympia, Washington
30 something......but getting closer to 40 than I can belief Two wonderful boys..... LIL' BUSH...which I don't think is really that far from the truth THE OFFICE...... ARRESTED DEVELOPMENT should have never been discontinued...!!!!! THIRTY ROCK!!!!! Wine Wine Wine....I love my wine and love to read and learn about it....

Friday, March 4, 2011

friday...what ever the date is

Well!!! it has been a decent week at work. It was cold and wet most if the week as you all know..since you were all here for it. Mentally i am doing well..emotionally i have my moments. I have lost gabrielle and it hurts bad. I know thing move forward and i always do to. The thing that hurts the worst is that i hurt her. I never wanted to and never intended to. But i did with my actions and that is really hard for me. I really do feel as if i need her as a friend..but that isnt even possible now. It just hurt inside. Feeling. ...??? Why do we have them? The suck some times and we allow them to affect the.way we feel about people reguardless if we know they are a good person or not. Oh well..enough about that.
the boys and i are watching BEDTIME STORIES....which is pretty good movie...

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday Jan 23

wowee...i didn't think it had been that long since my last post, wow! Where do the days go? Things have been going well for us, work has and will get busier, we just got 2 more jobs last week, one at the portland airport, and one up in southcenter. No word on the quam job yet. Gabby has been getting roof estimates, one of the guys that came to give us an estimate, actually works only insurance claims, said,therw is wind damage to the shingles and he is going to give us the name of the adjuster he uses for state farm. He is 99% sure he can get this on an insurance claim and we can get everything fixed and brought up to code with just paying the deductible. Inside ceilings and paint and the carport. Everything. He is going work on making that happen as soon as we call him back. That will be,awesome.
We had a great dinner ar dukes chowder house, all 4 of us. Then when we got home, gabby had my bday,present delivered by her nephew so it was here when we got home after dinner.. A new 5( inch plasma tv. I,was so in shock. It is amazing.
And that is the news for now.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Here we are a year later...

Well, here we are a year later and everything still seems the same. Housing market is still in shambles, although I am sure they will convince us that isnt. The unemployment rate is still completely spiralling into a pit which is that of a blackhole. Although we know that the claims are dropping.... Spin that for me you politically ignorant blindfolding assholes. Oh yeah! They already have...my bad. Hearing that unemployment CLAIMS are dropping... Oh yeah gotta love hearing. C'mon!! Anyone who falls for that one is...well I don't what they are!
We had a good new years mellow. Spent it with on of Gabrielles best friends and her family down in lacey. It was mellow and pleasant.
It was so awesome having the boys for almost 5 whole days. We had such a great time just hanging out and playing. They seem to do really good here and of course Gabrielle is so awesome with them. We would like to have you all up here some weekend to hangout and see the rooms and the house.
So... twenty eleven is going to be so different then twenty ten RIGHT? Isn't that what they tell us, isn't that what they print for us to read. They can't fix it... They can only continue to try and put sugar and cool whip on the giant piece of feces that they keep feeding us, in hope that it will be remotely edible. News flash...it ain't gonna happen! Face it America... shit is still being fed to us and we may as well get used to it. Maybe they should give us a big bottle of ketchup with it...everything taste better with ketchup!!!

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